The Metropolitan Jerusalem Master Plan
The Metropolitan Jerusalem Master Plan
Winter sun
Summer sun
year, gets less dry during the hot season,
and is naturally covered with about 15%
more flora than average.
A southern slope is more exposed to
the sun than others, and effective passive
heating is possible from the sun. From this
we know that south slopes are suitable for
residential buildings and northern ones are
good for urban parks and office buildings.
Additionally, construction adjacent to
existing buildings should not be permitted
if it is to block the sunlight on existing
buildings for more than two hours a day
between October and March, in order
to allow heat from the sun during the
winter. Construction would also be both
on the hilltops and in the valleys in order
to preserve a built-up urban continuum
incorporating green areas.
In Jerusalem’s Nachalat HaShiv’ah
neighborhood – one of the oldest
historical neighborhoods outside the Old
City walls – all of the main streets (Yoel
Moshe Solomon, Rivlin, Ma’a lot Nachalat
Shiv’ah) were paved going north-to-south.
They are relatively narrow, and their width
is the same as the height of the buildings
on either side. Thus, the main streets are
shady all day: before noon the buildings on
the east give shade, and in the afternoon
– those on the west. This ongoing shade
is the source of the commercial success
for businesses along these streets – it's
pleasant to be there even at the height of a
summer day’s heat.
Smaller streets, perpendicular to these
main streets, were paved going east-to-
west. This gives a southern façade, passive
solar heat in the winter, and protection
from the sun in the summer to almost
all of the apartments in the area. The
entrances to the buildings are from the
north, and so, their stairwells stay cool
in the summer and walking out onto the
street is pleasant.
These advantages of this neighborhood
– in terms of tourism and commerce,
and in terms of quality of life and energy
efficiency for cooling and heating – come
about naturally, as the result of necessary
smart street planning. Such a network of
streets – lengthwise and crosswise, with
This sketch displays the ideal height for
home construction and the desirable distance
between buildings for allowing optimal use of
light and the warmth of the sun
Sustainability in Jerusalem
Ecological Construction
According to Israel Electric Company
reports from 2010, Israel has some of the
highest rates in the world for electricity
consumption per person. Almost 50%
of electricity created in Israel is used for
heating, cooling, and ventilation of homes.
In contrast with extravagant average
consumption of electricity, around 38% of
Israel’s population limit their consumption
of electricity for heating and cooling their
homes due to financial constraints.
The existing systems for heating and
cooling homes can cause disease. For
example, the legionella bacteria breeds
in air conditioning systems. Oil or diesel
based home heaters are a leading cause
of burns among children. And above
all, manufacture of electricity causes
enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and
poisonous gas emissions, causing the air in
Israel to be dirtier and creating greenhouse
effect which harms the earth.
These undesirable phenomena can be
minimized or even avoided altogether by
planning which takes climate into account
– and Jerusalem’s comfortable climate
certainly provides a good basis for such
planning. In Jerusalem, nature turns a
friendly face to man and can allow him to
enjoy comfortable conditions in homes
with minimum consumption of electricity.
Efficient insulation, passive heating of
homes and proper shading can lower
electricity usage by tens of percentages.
As stated, throughout most of the year,
Jerusalem is naturally within the range of
thermal comfort. It is enough to ensure
exposure to sunlight during the cold
months and proper shade in warm ones
to supply thermal comfort some 90% of
the time and even more. When planning
homes in Jerusalem, it is important to take
into account that in the winter, buildings
are exposed to sunlight only from the
south – while during the hot season, the
sun rises and sets much closer to the
north, and during the day manages to orbit
buildings from almost all facades.
Since, during the winter, the sun appears
only in the south, during this season the
south façade of buildings is the only
façade which can supply heat from the
sun. It is also enough to have only a little
shade on this façade in order to provide
protection during the summer since the
sun is especially high when it is in the
south during summer.
In light of this, the following principles
may be applied when planning homes in
• The south façade should be given
preference for placement of windows.
• The east façade should be second
preference. Though passive heat cannot
be supplied from here in the winter,
exposure to the sun in the summer is
only in the mornings, when it isn’t very
hot yet.
• The north façade is exposed to sunlight
only in the summer, during early
morning hours, and right before sunset
in the evening.
• The eastern façade is the most
problematic: the sun visits this location
only during the hottest hours, all year –
and in the summer, in the afternoon.
These principles have implications for
planning construction in metropolitan
Jerusalem. The metropolis is characterized
by hills and mountains, and each slope or
hillside has its own qualities. A northern
slope stays more humid throughout the
Nature has certainly
favored man in
Jerusalem and
may enable him to
enjoy comfortable
conditions in homes
with minimal energy
Sustainability in Jerusalem